It occurs to me that if I want people to read my blog, I ought to post occasionally. Or something. Anyway, without further ado, here are pictures in no particular order. Yes, I know I need a new camera.

This is A. I don't remember what he was building, but he was VERY proud. A photo was requested & provided.

J & R have found a partially built tree house in the forest nearby. They have taken it upon themselves to continue the project. As you can see, they have added a number of ties, and many branches. T says to point out to Aunt Barbara the excellent use they have made of potholder-making kit you provided to R on his 6th birthday. Good they're getting some use.

This is R during his report on Mexico. He worked VERY hard on it, and was VERY proud of himself. For "International Day," the second-graders prepared a quiz for the parents, asking questions about various countries. That is R's question: "How do they say 'chewing gum' in Mexico?" (Answer: chicle).

Lilacs growing in our yard. I love them. T thinks they stink. But since I'm the one home most of the day, I get to bring them inside as I please. Fortunately for him, the roses are now blooming, so I guess I'll pick those next. (Our yard continues to delight!)

Playing with the camera. I love how lilacs are actually a whole bunch of little flowers, rather than just one big one. Wonder if that's what makes them smell so strongly?

In the fall, I collected nuts & berries from the neighborhood. There are so many things blooming, I thought I'd try doing it again, but with flowers.

On Mother's Day, I celebrated by leaving the kids at home in T's care, and visiting the part of the city called Montmartre with a (new) friend. This is one of the re-stored windmills that the Moulin Rouge is modeled after.

We went to Montmartre with a tour guide, who told us a number of wonderful stories. One was about this man, walking through a wall. Apparently, he wasn't very bright, and accidentally divested himself of the ability to walk through walls mid-stride. Oops.

At the top of the hill is the famous Sacre Couer, with throngs & throngs of people. I remembered this from my second trip to Europe, as a teenager backpacking. This day they were singing Bob Dylan songs on the steps overlookign the city. I remember Beatles songs. My friend wondered why they don't sing in French. Dunno.