Saturday, August 30, 2008

Missing Monkey Pajamas, and other Mysteries...

When you move, you toss a lot of stuff. You donate. You throw away. You give away. You simply leave in the house and let someone else deal with it. (What, you don't do that? Oops.)

Anyway, I understand some things are just gone, and I'll never get them back. For the most part, I think this is a wonderful thing. On the other hand, I keep looking for things and wondering why I can't find them.

Yeah, I know I'm still not done organizing/unpacking... but I've seen the monkey pajamas since we've been here. I know they're here somewhere. And they're really cute, and A loves them. They have a picture of sock monkey playing guitar. Too cute. And all I can find are the bottoms.

Which is to say, I've been doing laundry all day. And I hate doing laundry. I need me a cleaning/laundry gal, and soon!

School starts in three days for the littles. Counting down!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Hello Rachel,

    I am glad that you are settling down! It did not take you very long!

    Enjoy your block very much

