Last Friday I went to
Giverny with two other women from my older kids' school. I was very excited to be invited, and to be able to say yes. I've been here for ten (eleven!?) months. I'm starting to feel comfortable enough to explore more. (Of course, it helps to have someone else drive.)
Giverny is the place where Claude Monet lived, gardened and did many of his more famous paintings. It is a place filled with flowers and with light.
I am not a photographer normally, but I really had fun trying to make good pictures from this stunning garden. You can't not take pictures here. Tell me what you think...
Looking out the bedroom window from his maison.

Puff ball.

Two flowers growing together.

Irises are my all-time favorite flower.

They smelled as wonderful as they looked.

My friend Laurie appreciating a Japanese Maple.

Looking off
THE bridge.

Another bridge.

Another bridge across the water. Apparently the lillies bloom in July and August. I'd like to go again, and bring the boys & T to see it.

I think they'd like the bugs too.

And other growing things.

Tania & Laurie & the Weeping Willow.

Gotta remember to look up too. These were above us.

This amazing flower, grows from...

These cones that resemble
pinecones! They came in every color of the sunset - red, pink, orange, purple, peach!

More irises.

Don't know what these are, but I like how I caught the light.

There I am with Laurie, along the garden path.

This is a better picture of the path.

I thought the slug was cool too - hanging by his own slime.

Another iris.

It had just rained, and water droplets were on everything.

If you enlarge this, you can see the bumble-bee flying up into the flower. They all but disappeared inside.
Wow! These are fabulous. Dad will be proud. M
ReplyDeleteThe purple flowers bloom on rhododendrons, Rachel. Family of the azalea, I believe. Yes, they are quite beautiful and so are you pics. Absolutely!
ReplyDeleteHi, I came across your blog from another blog, and was interested in your story of moving to France as we are moving to France this fall. We're in A'dam right now, though, so the move should be fairly easy (yeah, right). I would love advice from someone who's BTDT, if you wouldn't mind sharing. I'm at m o m to a r c @ We also have four kids, ages 10, 10, 8 and 2.5.