Saturday, July 04, 2009

Birthday Dinner

I think this is the most expensive meal I have ever eaten. Good thing I only turn 40 once. And yes, it was exceptionally yummy! And the view was georgous.

The only not-perfect part was that there was never any aknowledgement of my birthday. The woman at the table next to us however, received a dessert with a candle. She looked confused. Maybe it was supposed to be mine.


  1. Oh, and the food looks yummy! You even tried Foie Gras. Was this a deux?
    Looking forward to seeing you in August. Yes, we'll definitely be around.

  2. Rachel, you're worth it — especially to Tom!

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Oh! What fun! I love Kir Royal. I probably still have a bottle of creme de cassis around for making them...

    And what an odd little celebration to watch the woman at the next table eat your little birthday cake. Now that's a memorable moment!

    I still wish I could have been there... But I'm guessing you don't look even a day older.

    Love to you ~ Jillene
